An e-learning LMS platform is a solution for distributing, managing and creating learning content on the Internet. Organisations use this tool to optimise the management of their learning programmes. It is important to know its specificity.

Focus on the LMS platform

The purpose of an e-learning LMS platform is to help users create, administer, manage and analyse e-learning courses and training. As an information and learning resource centre, LMSs are essentially the engine that powers e-Learning. Without this software, educational institutions struggle to host and evaluate training, courses and other e-Learning initiatives. Most LMSs are now cloud-based and have the look and feel of a regular website that administrators, instructors and students can all access.

How does an LMS platform work?

The best way to imagine an e-learning LMS platform is to think of it as a large website, which can only be accessed by people with a login. Within this 'closed' website, you can offer interaction with your students in two ways: online or blended. Online learning is similar to distance learning provided by organisations where students are based off campus and interact with tutors and other learners asynchronously. Blended learning is where teachers and students meet physically, but the LMS is used to support learning by providing a space where material can be stored and organised, assessments can be given and students and teachers can interact using blogs, forums etc.

What are the typical features of the LMS?

An internal messaging system is usually a standard feature on all LMSs. Having a learning management system means that the messaging and everything related to learning is in one place, so it is more secure, without interaction with people outside the school. Other typical features of an LMS include course creation and management, quizzes and self-correcting tests, student data and the ability to mark work (or self-assessment: some learning management systems can mark work that has been submitted for you). Course creation is the fundamental part of your learning management system. It is how you define the work for your students and, depending on the functionality of your learning management system, how you make learning much more fun.